“Energy Derivatives and the ISDA® Documents” – a 2-day seminar taught in Denver, Colorado, Tulsa, Oklahoma and Columbus, Ohio in May, 2006

“Energy Derivatives and the ISDA® Documents” – a two-day course presented in-house in Los Angeles, January, 2006 and in-house in San Diego in April, 2006

“OTC Derivatives and the ISDA® Master Agreement” – a two-day course presented in-house in Indianapolis and again in Houston, November, 2005

"The NAESB Contract" a seminar presented in Lincoln, in May, 2005

"OTC Derivatives and the ISDA® Master Agreement" – a 2-day course taught publicly in St. Louis (October 2002), Los Angeles (December 2002), and Houston (February 2003) and privately in-house on numerous other occasions during 2002 and 2003

"Financial Contracts:  Front, Middle and Back Office Issues"  a seminar presented September 26-27, 2002 for the National Association for Credit Management (NACM) in Houston Texas, and again on June 9 and 10 in Las Vegas

"Financial Contracts: Front, Middle, and Back Office Issues"- a two-day seminar provided in-house. Nine large energy firms hosted the seminar.

"OTC Derivatives Documentation" - a two-day seminar sponsored by Southern Energy (October 23-24, 2000) and various times since.

"OTC Derivatives Documentation" - a two-day seminar jointly sponsored by individual organizations and the IECA (Calgary, Alberta June 15-16, 2000)

"The ISDA Master Agreement" - a one-day seminar presented to various energy industry participants (Toronto, May 2000)

"OTC Derivatives Documentation - the Credit Issues" - a one-day seminar prepared for the International Energy Credit Association (Houston, May 2000)

"GISB Model and Standard Contracts" - a one-day seminar taught for the Gas Industry Standards Board in Houston on a quarterly basis through 2000

"Natural Gas 101" - an introduction to the natural gas industry, taught every month in various cities across the country 1999 through December, 2001

"Gas Contracts from A to Z" - a workshop presented several times each year across the country and in-house

"Gas Contracts 101" - an introductory seminar for gas contracting, twice yearly February 1999 through present

"Gas Contracts 202" - an intermediate to advanced seminar for gas contracting, twice yearly from May, 1999 to 2003.

"Natural Gas and Electricity-Different and Alike" - a seminar presented in-house, 1998

"Everything You Wanted to Know about Gas sale and Purchase Contracts . . . but were afraid to ask." - a workshop prepared for and presented in-house, November 1996.

"Contract Administration from A to Z" - a workshop prepared for and presented by Energy Seminars, Inc., Houston December 1996 and February 1997, San Francisco, January 1997.

"Contract Administration from A to Z" - a workshop prepared for and presented by Energy Seminars, Inc., Houston December 1996 and February 1997, San Francisco, January 1997.

"The Competitive Edge" - a workshop developed for in-house presentation, September 1996

"Strategic Contracting - Adding Value to your Gas Deals" - a workshop prepared for and presented by Energy Seminars, Inc., Houston, June and August 1996, Pittsburgh, August 1996

"New Directions in Contracting" - a risk management seminar prepared and presented in-house in July 1995. Topics of individual seminars under the same heading are: gas sale contracts, risk management; electronic contracting and electricity.